Disaster Recovery
St. Lawrence Federal Credit Union has taken every effort, investing time and resources, to ensure the safety of your money before, during, and after a disaster. Our disaster recovery plan ensures that each member's accounts are secure and accessible.
Your funds are federally insured up to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a government agency. St Lawrence Federal Credit Union is prepared to make sure that your money will be here when you need it.
In the event of a credit union or regional disaster, the credit union's management may consider the use of a daily dollar limit on teller transactions.
In the event of either a credit union or regional disaster, please first reference our homepage at www.stlawrfcu.com for details and updates. Should the disaster be enough to bring down our servers and website, please refer to the following radio and television sites for updates:
Q Country 102.9 WNCQ
Continuous Hits Yes-FM 96.7 WYSX
Super Hits PAC 98.7 WPAC
News 7 WWNY
Fox 28 WNYF